When you’re looking for attractive residential doors for a home in the Atlanta area, you can count on finding both beautiful doors and helpful advice at Guardian Installation . We have been providing superior woodwork and other remodeling supplies for more than 25 years and we’re ready to help you find products that are right for your project. Our sales staff is well versed in the styles of buildings found throughout the South, and can help recommend both interior and exterior residential doors that are historically accurate and architecturally appropriate for any building.

We carry doors by many of the most trusted names in the industry, such as Buffelen, Kolbe, TruStile, Monarch, Lincoln, and Lemieux, but we can also have our experienced craftsmen make you a unique door right in our woodshop. Whether you’re looking for a custom wood exterior French doors or energy efficient residential doors, you can count on finding a product to suit your needs in our large selection.